Sunday, December 13, 2009

Other Potential Uses of Genetic Engineering

There is another uses for genetic engineering that I would like to briefly discuss:

Genetically engineered Bioweapons

As we have already seen, genetic engineering has many positive applications in the world. But with a technology as powerful as genetic engineering, there are also many frightening uses.

Biological warfare is one of these uses. Genetic engineering can be used to infect food sources used by large groups of people, spread poisonous or toxic materials and substances, infect populations with diseases or deliberately introduce biohazardous agents into the genetic material of animals and microorganisms. Weapons of mass destruction are another grim possibility.

Over the years, biowarfare has been used by many military and national organizations and, even though over 100 countries have officially signed a document, agreeing to ban the development of biological weapons within their borders, it is still a very present threat in our world today.

For example, it has been hypothesized that if one gram of the lethal chemical botulinum toxin was released in the environment, it would have the potential to kill up to ten million people.

And a video on human genetic engineering:

Genetically Engineered Humans Have Already Been Born


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